Petrillo Stone Included in Building Stone Magazine

This story was originally covered in a blog post on our sister site, but we thought it a good idea to share here as well. Petrillo Stone Corporation was recently a part of a complex job involving the 1095 Avenue of Americas Plaza, which essentially serves as the front door of the MetLife headquarters. The job was recapped in Building Stone Magazine, and you can find an excerpt below. The article actually quoted our own Frank Petrillo, while Ralph Petrillo worked in project management.
Building Stone Magazine recently documented this process in its Spring 2015 issue. In this project, Petrillo Stone Corporation was responsible for furnishing and installing the stone used for the building lobby, elevator lobbies, and concourse — a total of 7,400 square feet of material. The Santucci group supplied and fabricated the Joya White Carrara marble used for the walls and countertops, as well as the white terrazzo flooring. The stone is unique due to its white background with very thin gray veining. These light colors were used because the original entrance to the lobby was described as “tunnel-like,” and a white background gave it a more open feel.
The following is an excerpt from the article, “Meeting The Demands Of A Busy Northeastern Environment,” in which our very own Frank Petrillo describes the job.
As a whole, the installation process went smoothly, but Petrillo found difficulties with the lobby because the building remained in use. “The installation took place in an occupied building so we basically installed sections at a time so we didn’t disturb the tenants,” said Frank Petrillo of Petrillo Stone Corporation. “It’s a very busy building. There were certain areas, such as the elevators, that were done at night. This prevented us from interrupting the flow of traffic. We did the other areas during the day. We had to fence it off so that people could get by while we were working.”
You can find the entire article on page 70 of Building Stone Magazine’s online publication.